Thursday, July 18, 2013

Captured by the Cataflics!

Spidey et les Cataflics!

"Chut il y a quelqu'un!": les policiers viennent de tomber nez à nez avec trois personnes en tenue de grande randonnée. "Nous étions en train d'explorer. On voulait juste voir de nouvelles salles", explique penaude Laurel, une Canadienne de 24 ans qui profite de la pause-déjeuner avec deux amis américain et canadien. Prix de la balade: une contravention jusqu'à 60 euros. Source

That makes it sound more dramatic than it was. They were really very nice. Or so I imagine. That fellow just happens to look like me. That is one hundred per cent the truth and I did not make that up right now. I swear.

Moral of the story: ignore Spider-sense at own peril!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Non-Random Musings

Skittles. Taste the Rainbow.
I was going to title this entry, "Norm-Random Musings", but then thought better of it. Good thing I didn't do that, eh?

My pattern of alternately giving great and horrible talks continues. Sorry Montreal. You're next.

A few days every now and then without internet or mobile phone, or any technology at all for that matter, is bliss.

The people whom I've met in Dortmund and elsewhere in Germany are really nice. Friendly folks. Beautiful women.

Köln knows how to do pride in style. Inclusive. Lucrative. Others should take note.

The hot chocolates at Café Angelina («chocolat chaud à l'ancienne») are really good, and really expensive.

Big Fernand has a new location, oddly closeby to the first. It seems to have more space, is open on Sundays, and was absolutely empty when I went in, so no waiting at all. Truly the gods are smiling upon me.

Damn do I hate Adobe Flash. Just die already.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day!

A very happy Canada Day to all my family, friends, and fellow Canucks out there.
I've spent mine working (still going at it), but ... well, that's life.

In celebration, I present to you a random selection of some of my favourite Canadian memories:

1) The Littlest Hobo

2) Metric on CBC's ZED. It doesn't really get much better than this.

3) How do you like your coffee?

4) Two. This .... this is Canadian television, folks.

5) Joe the Canadian. Eh.

6) Mr. Dressup et al.

7) The Wolverine

He's also CANADIAN. So is Deadpool. Deal with it.

8) McPizza

9) Heritage Minutes. This is 100% factual. I swear.

10) The Wayne and Shuster Farewell

"Well I see by the clock on the wall. That it's time to bid you one and all.
Goodbye (Goodbye) So long (So long) Farewell (Farewell) Adieu (Adieu)
Be good (Stay Well) Bye Bye (Keep Warm) Relax (And Eat) Take Care (Stay Loose)
Adieu mon vieux. A la prochaine. Goodbye 'til when we meet again!"